Reference Links

We've curated on-line resources to help our supporters understand the local and global context for our work.

Local and Beyond

Here are some of the prominent local and other noteworthy organizations who work on the climate, safety, and equity aspects of "safe streets."


Some of the best collections of bike-related videos are those provided by Bicycle Dutch, Streetfilms, and Not Just Bikes:


Books, articles, blogs, etc.

Reference documents

★Quick Build: City of Atlanta Tactical Urbanism Guide. March 2022

★Quick Build: “Quick Build Projects for Small Towns, Rural and Suburban Contexts” – A well-done 70-slide presentation by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) explaining the Quick Build process and highlighting examples from small cities in the U.S.

★Quick Build: Quick Builds for Better Streets: A New Project Delivery Model for U.S. Cities. People for Bikes. 24 pages, 2016

★Quick Build: CalBike Quick-Build Guide -- How to Build Safer Streets Quickly and Affordably: A 77-page pdf put out by the California Bicycle Coalition. Also condensed into a 4-page Quick-Build Brochure (“Quick-Build Bikeway Networks for Safer Streets”)

★Quick Build: Community-Led Demonstration Project Policy + Guide. City of Burlington, VT. Includes sample forms (Permit Application, Release of Liability, Recap Worksheet, Project Feedback Form, and more). 50 pages, 2018

★Quick Build: City of Burlington (VT) Quick Build Design and Materials Standards: guide put out by Burlington Public Works “…intended to help Burlington build safer streets for everyone – quickly.” Excellent presentation of design elements (eg: chicanes, vehicular pinch points, bike boxes, etc). 80 pages

★Quick Build: Tactical Urbanists’ Guide to Materials and Design v1.0. The Street Plans Collaborative. Emphasis on the individual tools and elements (eg: delineator posts, armadillos, galvanized steel planters, paints, striping materials, etc.). Also lots of case studies. Annoying online reader. 2016